Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Keeping our heads up!

The Zimbabwe Media Review is a media and freedom of expression blog commenting on the media, political social and economic situation in Zimbabwe. The name comes from the discontinued MISA-Zimbabwe publication started in 2002 but did not last long.

My new found knowledge of the power of blogs has, therefore, given a new lease of life to the Zimbabwe Media Review. Blogs are revolutionalising the way in which information is shared and distributed and mark the dawn of a new era for journalism. This is so because no one can claim the right to write and inform but everyone can now do so and with a fair amount of impact. This blog, as indicated, is purely dedicated to media and freedom of expression as well as political issues in Zimbabwe. I do this in salutation to the hundreds of Zimbabwean journalists who have bore the brunt of a repressive regime but have, against odds, maintained their heads up.Aluta Continua till freedom come!